How to speed up mouse tracking on a Mac

I bought an iMac with a Magic Mouse. Unfortunately I can not work with that mouse… so I connected a ‘normal’ mouse via USB. But strangely this mouse tracking was very very very slow. So, I went to Apple menu > System Preferences, then click on Mouse and changed the speed to the max speed. But stil… I need to move my mouse twice to go from the left to the right side of the screen. Very frustrating, I need more speed!!! So, what are we techies doing? Yes, I Googled my solution 🙂 I found a bunch of apps who could help me solve the problem, but the apps also installed a lot more features which I do not need. So, that is a no-go for me…. also most of the apps are not free and if I just want to change a basic function on a Mac, I want to do this for free. Luckily I found the solution which could be done via my Terminal. Let me explain.

Step 1
Open the basic terminal of your Mac

Step 2
Check you current speed by command
# defaults read -g
In my case it came back with 3.0

Step 3
Change your current speed by command
# defaults write -g the_speed_you_want
You can go to a max of 7.0 and after some testing, 6.0 was my sweat spot, so I used this
# defaults write -g 6.0

Step 4
Unfortunately you have to reboot to activate the new settings, so you probably have to reboot a couple of times…

That’s it

I hope this helps you 🙂

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